Villa Collina har en aftale med Hotel Aquilia om benyttelse af hotellets faciliteter herunder strand, solsenge og parasoller.
Villa Collinas ejere, lånere og lejere skal benytte den særlige sydlige del af Hotel Aquilias strandanlæg.
Aftalen afspejler det gode naboskab mellem Hotel Aquilia og Villa Collina og det er derfor vigtigt, at Villa Collinas ejere, lånere og lejere respekterer følgende regler for brug af Hotel Aquilias strandfaciliteter:
Villa Collina has an agreement with the Hotel Aquilia for the use of hotel services, including the beach, sunbeds and umbrellas.
The owners, tenants and guests of Villa Collina must use the appropriate southern part of the bathing establishments of the Hotel Aquilia.
The agreement reflects the good neighborliness between Hotel Aquilia and Villa Collina and it is therefore important that the owners, tenants and guests of Villa Collina respect the following rules for the use of the beach services of the Hotel Aquilia:
• Clean and tidy up before you are leaving the sunbed
• Do not move the umbrellas
• Remember to close the umbrellas when you leave the beach
• That it is not possible to “book” sunbeds with towels etc.
• Follow the instructions provided by the Hotel Aquilia staff
• That the staff of the Hotel Aquilia can request documentation of the right of users to use the facilities in the form of presentation of the identity card of Villa Collina
In case of non-compliance with the above rules, the staff of the Hotel Aquilia has the right to remove the interested parties from the part of the beach that is owned by the Hotel Aquilia and from the use of the other facilities of the Hotel Aquilia.
+39 0967 812436
L. Tropeano, 2
88060 Badolato (CZ)
© Copyright Villa Collina – Tutti i diritti riservati